February 24, 2003
Hello Class Members,

This is your second letter regarding our 40th Reunion, October 9-12, 2003.  I hope you are planning to attend, but I would sincerely appreciate your quick response to this letter.  If I have already heard from you please remind me again whether or not you plan to attend.

I know planning something this far in advance can be tough, however I do need the follow from you:

1:  Please let me know right away by phone, email or letter whether or not you plan to attend.  I will need your check by no later than June 1st as I will become responsible for the entire bill as of that date.

2:  Send me your BIOGRAPHY and a picture of you or you and your family as soon as you can

BIOs and pictures of everyone in the class are needed in order for the “Class of 1963 Virtual Directory” to be complete.  The directory will be accessible on our webpage and available on CD after the reunion.  The CD will include music from high school days and reunion pictures.

If you aren’t planning to attend as of right now, I hope you will change your plans or your mind and join us.

Again I have included the reunion calendar of all events and the cost of each.  Please complete the enclosed registration form and return it with your remittance.  I need an accurate count of which events; including those without a cost, that you plan to attend and how many.  All events are for you and your spouse, significant other or guest.  You may bring your children or your parents to the picnic on Saturday afternoon, and you should include their name and fee with your remittance.

Thurs 2003-10-09, evening after 5:00 PM at Ramada Inn Hospitality Room (No Cost for This Event)
Fri 2003-10-10, morning golf at 9:00 AM @ location to be decided (Pay at Course)
Fri 2003-10-10, afternoon parade at 2:30 PM at Stephens College Playhouse on Dorsey St (No Cost for This Event)
Fri 2003-10-10, Football Game, meet @ 7:00 PM @ Griggs Flooring America, 801 Bus Lp 70 E (Free for 55 and over)
Fri 2003-10-10, Hospitality Room @ Ramada Inn after Football Game, about 9:30 PM (Cost is $5.00 per person)
Sat 2003-10-11, School Tour & Bus Tour of Columbia @ 9:00 AM @ East Side of Hickman ($5.00 per person)
Sat 2003-10-11, Picnic 12:30 PM @ Kemper Arena @ Boone Industrial Dr off Bus Hwy 63 North ($15.00 per person)
Sat 2003-10-11, Class picture taken @ Ramada Inn @ 6:30 PM (Cost $7.00 or $10.00 per picture-pay there)
Sat 2003-10-11, Dinner and Dance @ Ramada Inn 6:30 PM to 1:00 AM (Cost is $28.00 per person)
Sun 2003-10-12, Worship Service, meet @ 10:30-10:45 AM in front of Missouri Methodist Church, 9th & Cherry
(To attend service for a denomination other than @ the Methodist church, please contact me for locations……..)
Sun 2003-10-12, Brunch @ 12:15 PM @ Boone Tavern Restaurant, 811 E Walnut (Cost is $18.00 per person)
Thank you for helping make this reunion a success by getting your response to me and providing me with your BIO and pictures!  If you can’t attend this reunion, I still need your BIO and pictures.  I hope you will be able to join us at our next reunion in 2008.

For any questions, please call, write or email to:
Class of 1963
Charley Blackmore, Chairperson
2312 Deer Creek Ct
Columbia MO  65201-3564
Phone:  573-442-1873
Email:  charley@kewpie.net
Webpage:  1963.html Password:

Need a room @ The Ramada Inn for the Reunion?  I must know by April 1st, 2003.


TABLE for computing your cost…… (To be sent with your CHECK)

Thursday Oct 9-Sunday Oct 12
Per Person Cost
How Many
Total Cost
Thurs Ramada Inn
Hospitality Room
No Cost
Fri Golf
To Be Decided
Pay @ Course
Fri Parade
Dorsey St
No Cost
Fri Football Game
801 Lp 70 E
No Cost
Fri Ramada Inn
Hospitality Room
Saturday School Tour
Saturday Picnic
Bus Hwy 63 N
Sat Din/Dance Ramada
Ramada Ballroom
Sunday Church
Mo Methodist
Sunday Brunch
811 E Walnut

COLUMBIA MO  65201-3564

You can make a donation of $60.00 per person ($120.00 for couples)
which will include all events.
The donation price is for registrations made prior to June 1, 2003.
Full price for all events after June 1, 2003, will be $71.00.
Regardless of when you pay I MUST have an
accurate count of all of the events you will attend!

Please include your BIOGRAPHY & PICTURE or PICTURES
with this remittance, if you haven’t already sent them.
Both can be emailed to charley@kewpie.net if you have access to a computer.

Some have asked what should be in their biography.  Here are suggestions for a biography.
Place and date of birth
Places lived
Early influences
Significant incidents
Major accomplishments

The entire committee for the 40th Reunion of the “Class of 1963”
Thanks You, for getting your registration to us as soon as possible.

Need a room @ The Ramada Inn for the Reunion?  I must know by April 1st, 2003

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