Hickman Kewpie Classmates Directory
Class of 1956

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Charley Blackmore, '98
The Kewpie Gathering Place, Since Oct 1998
Classmates Registered

Some classmates joined the Class of 1954 at their 55th Reunion Oct 16 & 17, 2009

**Thanks for your donation to the, kewpie.net Scholarship.**

Phyllis Dolen - Chairperson
Larre Barrett - Email removed 2008-10-31
James Bozarth, deceased - 2008-04-30
Judy Buchanan - 2002-05-08 - University of Missouri - Speech Pathology
Bob Cleveland - BIO - Email removed 2012-01-19
Shirley Cook, deceased - 2004-08-19
Kay Denham
Bob Freemyer - Email removed - 2009-02-26
Ernie Hay - Email removed - 2004-04-20
Jane Hicks, deceased - 2010-10-11
Dave Kennedy - 2005-09-16
Joe Leand - 2004-05-19
Ann Lowrance - BIO & Pictures - 2006-03-05
Dick Marine - Email removed - 2008-01-10
Frank McCarty - 2003-12-27
Paul McLean - BIO
Louie Miller - Email removed 2010-07-27
Mary Phillips - 2008-09-04
Larry Renfro
David Ricketts, deceased - 2007-09-25
Louie Rodgers - 2006-06-14
Russ Sloan - 2007-04-07 - Kewpie of the Month, April 2007
Howard Smith - 2009-10-23
Les "Bud" Taylor - 2002-12-10
Linnie Jo Walker - Email removed 2008-10-31
Carolyn Wilkerson - Email removed 2008-10-31
Phil Withrow - 2002-05-21

Bob Cleveland February 5, 2002
Hi all. I have really done a poor job of keeping up with Hickman classmates over the years. I hope this will make amends.
After graduating from Hickman, I enrolled at The University of Missouri. I attended the "U" for two years with my old buddy David Freeman. I left the "U" largely because of the fact that I was unprepared.
I spent 3 years in the service overseas in Germany. Great fun time! Returned to Columbia and went to work at the MFA Oil Co with my old buddy Frank McCarty. Bounced around for awhile before meeting an marrying a Stephens College girl. I moved with her to Jefferson City to work for the state and then shortly there after to St. Paul Minnesota, her hometown.
We had two boys, both very successful college grads, one living in KC the other in Dallas. I worked all these years as a computer programmer at 4 or 5 different places. Now because of the economy I am forced into early retirement, I am 63 years old. I plan to do some volenteer work and possibly work part time on golf course maintenence.
I surely do miss my life in Columbia. I don't get back there much. I would like to hear from other people, who may remember me.
Ann Lowrance March 5, 2006

I fooled everyone including myself, and never became a full time musician. I’d seen too many married bassoon players asking single flutists for dates and I didn’t want the lifestyle. But I did keep on singing. I gave my oboe back to Stephens College and thought about religious education or home economics. Obnoxiously undecided, I finally settled on Spanish because I had more hours in it on my Christian College transcript. I asked Johnny Crane what I should do with it since I had sworn off teaching, and he suggested being a translator in an import-export house. By then I was married to Jack Hamilton and lived too far away. So after my B.A. at MU, I became a part time waitress for a few months. Friends said it at least kept me from roaming the streets and annoying people.
     Then I became a florist at Mueller’s while Jack was serving his six months in the Army. A Neosho teacher spied me decorating a wedding table and said they needed a Spanish teacher at his high school. Mumbling to myself, I hastily took some education classes so I could get the job, and started off on the long education career I had just sworn off of.
     Not much later, I was shucking out babies like peas, helping Jack run our newly bought greenhouse and flower shop, and eyeing the chance to get back into education. Four years later, my request to be a substitute teacher in Joplin turned into a Dean of Girls job at the high school. They were desperate. They would have hired anyone who smelled good and had on a nice dress. I was an idiot with no training for it, but it was the perfect fit.
     After that, I knew I was destined to become a counselor/administrator combination, an unheard of concept due to the difference in training. I started graduate work in secondary school administration, and after getting my Master’s, became Assistant to the Dean of Students at my alma mater, now Columbia College. I went from there to Assistant Principal at Neosho High School, and finished all but my dissertation, heading for a doctorate in educational administration. Then I started taking counseling courses.
     In 1976, Jack and I were divorced and later I married Jack Allman, Superintendent of Schools in Joplin. Three months later, my ex-husband married my sister Janet. Our three boys contemplated calling him “Uncle Dad.” I didn’t know what to call my new brother-in-law, nor my sister, who was also my children’s aunt as well as their stepmother. So we all just stayed friends.
     Finally Jack and I left his three college age boys behind and loaded up my three, our two dogs, and all our possessions and moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina to take over jobs in the American Community School as Superintendent and Director of Guidance. Then I found out that Argentine Spanish wasn’t the same as mine. When I asked for three pineapples, they told me I was asking for three punches in the nose. My secretary asked me to please not use the word “mujer” (woman) when speaking about patrons, because a “mujer” was a prostitute. When I gave a speech in Spanish to the elementary school faculty, thinking I was telling them what a good man my husband was, I found out later that I was lauding his virility.
     Back in the States, I taught Spanish for six more years – in Ava, MO and in McDonald County. When they threatened to make me teach German by satellite without knowing a word of it, I and my new counselor certification escaped to Missouri Southern State College (now University) in Joplin. I stayed for fifteen wonderful years as counselor and career / academic advisor for people who didn’t give a rip about  mujeres, pineapples, or how virile my husband was. Some just wanted me to teach them something during my nighttime Scared-Spitless-Older-Adults Orientation and Career Classes, so they wouldn’t feel so dumb in regular classes later.
    While there, thanks to encouragement and support from my husband who got his Ed.D. at age 49, I finally wrote my dissertation. I received the same Ed.D. in 1994, at age 56, twenty-two years after I started it. Don’t ask. My grandchildren were in the audience yelling, “Yeah, Grandma!” as I walked across the stage. I was thankful my advisor knew better than some of his colleagues, who put hoods on upside down with the pointy end running up their advisees’ noses.
     Jack retired in 1990 from his final job as Superintendent in McDonald County, and I retired from MSSC in 2003, as an associate professor, when I could finally get Medicare. I’m currently writing my memoirs, better named, misadventures, and naming names. I’ve already had to change half of them. The only ones I don’t have to worry about are my older relatives who are all dead and can’t squawk about what I say about them.


Paul McLean April 17, 20001
Married Nancy Edgar (class of 56)
remarried. Robyn
Graduated BA, Business, Western State College, Gunnison, Colorado
5 kids 41, 33, 31, 7, 5



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