Hickman Kewpie Classmates Directory
Class of 1940

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If you see the word BIO after a classmates name, click on BIO to read their biography!

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Kewpies:  Past & Present
Thanks for your continued support!

Charley Blackmore, '98
The Kewpie Gathering Place, Since Oct 1998
Classmates Registered

*****Make a donation to the, kewpie.net Scholarship.*****
"Memorialize a classmate with a scholarship donation in their name."

Raymond Brady - Chairperson - Deceased 2009-06-11
Martha Finney - 2005-07-24
Fred Gaebler - Deceased 2006-03-12 (Christmas Letter 2003)
Mary Lou McClain - Email removed - 2013-05-25
Jack Peltason - Email removed - 2009-02-27