

Kewpie Reunions for 2024
Should I go? Don't Miss it

Reunions Coming in 2024
10th - Class of 2014 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....
15th-  Class of 2009 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....

20th - Class of 2004 - Was - June 21 & 22, 2024 - Register - Mike Moesel  mmoesel@gmail.com
25th -
Class of 1999 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....
30th - Class of 1994 - July 12 & 13, 2024 Click here for DETAILS
35th - Class of 1989 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....  
40th - Class of 1984 - Was - Friday May 31 - Sunday June 2, 2024 - Register - Details
45th - Class of 1979 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....
65th Birthday Party, Class of 1977 - September 28, 2024
th - Class of 1974 - Weekend of 11th & 12th of Oct 2024 - kevinbuckler@gmail.com
th - Class of 1969 - Weekend of 11th & 12th of Oct 2024 - ralph.silberman@gmail.com
60th - Class of 1964 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....  
th - Class of 1959 - Was - June 17 & 18, 2024 - John Scott -  jw.rjscott@sbcglobal.net  - Details
th - Class of 1954 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....  

If your class is having a reunion or get-together, please send info to charley@kewpie.net
Information & Planning - Charley Blackmore - Questions (573-808-5314) - Thanks for your support!
 Coming in 2025 - Last Year 2023 - Monthly and/or Annual Activities

Interesting - Don't Miss Your Reunion!
PAST REUNIONS & MORE - Back to Kewpie Home Page

*See all 112 Cressets of Columbia/Hickman HS (1912 - 2023)*

ACTIVITIES - "Archives"

 Please let me know if you can confirm any of these gatherings and locations.
None of these classes have updated their information in years....
from charley@kewpie.net

  I doubt that any of these events are still being held! Please let me know, if you know!

The Class of 1943 Gets Together for Lunch, on the 3rd Tuesday of each month
at the "SENIOR CENTER" in Columbia at 1121 Bus Loop 70 E.
Class of 1945 Gets Together for Lunch, on the 2nd Thursday of each month

at 11:00 am at the "SENIOR CENTER" in Columbia at 1121 Bus Loop 70 E.
Class of 1947 Gets Together for Dinner, on the 3rd Tuesday of each month

at 5:30 pm in The Cafe Court at The Columbia Mall.
Class of 1948 Gets Together for Lunch, on the 1st Monday of each month

at 12:00 Noon at T. G. I. Fridays.
Class of 1949 Gets Together for Lunch, on the 2nd Tuesday of each month

at 12:00 Noon at the "GOLDEN CORRAL" at 3421 Clark Lane
Class of 1950 Gets Together for Dinner, on the 4th Monday of each month

at 5:00 pm at the "Country Kitchen" at 1712 North Providence Road
Class of 1954 Gets Together for Dinner, on the LAST Wednesday of each month

at 6:00 pm in The Cafe Court at The Columbia Mall. (Except in Nov & Dec)
The Class of 1955 Gets Together for Dinner, on the 3rd Wednesday of each month

at 6:00 pm at "Now the Bleu" (old Boone Tavern) in Columbia at 811 E. Walnut Street. May 5, 2012
Class of 1960 Gets Together for Lunch, on the Last Monday of each month

at 11:30 am at Olive Garden in Columbia at 1300 I-70 Dr SW.
The Class of 1979 Gets Together for brunch on the 1st Saturday of June, Sept, Dec & March

at 10:00 am in The Cafe Court at The Columbia Mall.
Add Your Email Address to Directory - Back to Homepage - Questions Call
573-808-5314 or charley@kewpie.net
Don't forget to register at Kewpie Classmates - Back to Top

Last fall, September 29 - October 1, 2006, Sam Wilkinson came back to Columbia to attend his 50th class reunion, of the Class of 1956, with his son.

John Wilkinson thanked the Hickman graduates who were able to make the reunion such a treasured experience for his dad. “It was amazing to me how much those people still love and care about each other,” John Wilkinson said. “He was welcomed by open arms.

Sam Wilkinson passed away in Pueblo, Colorado on Thursday, May 24, 2007.

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"You might remember your parents telling you a story like this one or maybe it was your grandparents?"

Some things you keep. Like good teeth. Warm coats. Bald husbands. They're good for you, reliable and practical and so sublime that to throw them away would make the garbage man a thief. So you hang on, because something old is sometimes better than something new, and what you know is often better than a stranger.

These are my thoughts, they make me sound old, old and tame, and dull at a time when everybody else is risky and racy and flashing all that's new and improved in their lives.....new careers, new thighs, new lips, new cars. The world is dizzy with trade-ins. I could keep track, but I don't think I want to.

I grew up in the fifties with practical parents -- a mother, God bless her, who washed aluminum foil after she cooked in it, then reused it -- and still does. A father who was happier getting old shoes fixed than buying new ones. They weren't poor, my parents, they were just satisfied.

Their marriage was good, their dreams focused. Their best friends lived barely a wave away. I can see them now, Dad in trousers and tee shirt and Mom in a house dress, lawn mower in his hand, dishtowel in hers. It was a time for fixing things -- a curtain rod, the kitchen radio, screen door, the oven door, the hem in a dress.

Things you keep. It was a way of life, and sometimes it made me crazy. All that re-fixing, reheating, renewing, I wanted just once to be wasteful. Waste meant affluence. Throwing things away meant there'd always be more.

But then my father died, and on that clear autumn night, in the chill of the hospital room, I was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't any 'more.' Sometimes what you care about most gets all used up and goes away, never to return.

So, while you have it, it's best to love it and care for it and fix it when it's broken and heal it when it's sick. That's true for marriage and old cars and children with bad report cards and dogs with bad hips and aging parents.

You keep them because they're worth it, because you're worth it.

Some things you keep. Like a best friend that moved away or a classmate you grew up with, there's just some things that make life important...people you know are special...and you KEEP them close!

~~Author unknown

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Reunions Coming in 2025
10th - Class of 2015 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....
15th-  Class of 2010 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....

20th - Class of 2005 - In planning stages (2023-08-08) now! -  Mike Moesel - mmoesel@gmail.com
25th - Class of 2000 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....
30th - Class of 1995 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....  
35th - Class of 1990 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....  
40th - Class of 1985 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....
th - Class of 1980 - No Reunion Is Scheduled..... 
50th - Class of 1975 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....  
55th - Class of 1970 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....  
60th - Class of 1965 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....  
65th - Class of 1960 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....  
70th - Class of 1955 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....

**Thanks, for your donation to the  kewpie.net Scholarship.**

Kewpie Reunions & "Get-Togethers" for 2023
10th - Class of 2013 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....
15th - Class of 2008 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....
20th - Class of 2003 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....
25th - Class of 1998 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....
30th - Class of 1993 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....
35th - Class of 1988 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....
40th - Class of 1983 - No Reunion Is Scheduled....
45th - Class of 1978 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....
50th - Class of 1973 - June Friday & Saturday,  9 and 10, 2023 - Details - Requests
55th - Class of 1968 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....
60th - Class of 1963 - October Tuesday - Thursday, 3 - 5, 2023 - Details
65th - Class of 1958 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....
70th - Class of 1953 - No Reunion Is Scheduled.....

If your class is having a reunion or get-together, please send info to charley@kewpie.net
Information & Planning - Charley Blackmore - Questions (573-808-5314) - Thanks for your support!
Monthly Activities - Class of '69 Christmas

Interesting - Don't Miss Your Reunion!
PAST REUNIONS & MORE - Back to Kewpie Home Page

*See all 112 Cressets of Columbia/Hickman HS (1912 - 2023)*

**Thanks, for your donation to the  kewpie.net Scholarship.**



Subject: Class of 59 - 65th Reunion

We're holding a very low- key get together June 17th and 18th, 2024.  No fancy banquet or program. Just come visit, reminisce,  commiserate,  and celebrate our having made it this far, this long.  Monday the 17th, picnic type lunch provided by the meager but hopefully adequate balance from the 65 year old  class bank account (can't take it with us). Tuesday afternoon will be a pay for your own lunch at Golden Corral or another local restaurant.  The main thing is the getting together. 

 "Are we it, l guess yes, we're the KEWPIES of HHS."

We do need a head (and stomach capacity) count to know how many to expect.  Please reply by May 15th.   Here's our fearless leader's email address, (he still has most, much, or at least some of his original hair and it appears to be a non-altered color -- come and judge for yourself ).  

John Scott ... AKA fearless leader.





Hickman High School Class of 94 Update and Weekend Details (July 12th and July 13th):

Hello Class of 94!

The time is quickly approaching for our time together. A big thank you to all that have helped coordinate the weekend logistics and a big thank you to all that have registered and donated to make our event a success.

Please see a few details below:

-Friday night will kick off at Shiloh at 7 pm and we will have a private area and bartender designated for our class.

-Please plan to open a bar tab if you plan to drink. Although our class funds did secure a private area and bartender, you will still pay for your own individual drinks. Food options are also available for purchase.

-Although the event doesn’t kickoff until 7 pm, feel free to coordinate amongst each other dinner or afternoon plans with your friends.

-Saturday night we will be at Midway Golf and Games, the event kicks off at 6:30 pm. Again, we have secured a private space and our own bartender for the event, but you will need your own tab for drinks only! Pizza from Shakespeare’s Pizza will be served, with several options. If you have any dietary restrictions please do private message me and we can consider a couple of options.

-Note: the Saturday night event is a Hickman class of 94 event that is shared between us and Rockbridge, too yay!

- We also will have access to some of the games that our class funds also paid for. More details on this piece to come.

-We will send additional reminders and details as the date approaches.

Thank you and see y’all soon!
Amy Schadt Young and Silvey El-Sayed❤️