40th Reunion of the
Kewpie Class of 1963
October 9, 10, 11 & 12th of 2003

Thursday afternoon/evening, October 9, 2003
  4:00 PM - Until
     Hospitality Room, Ramada Inn, 1100 Vandiver Dr, Columbia MO 65202 (No food served)

Friday, October 10, 2003
  9:00 AM
     Golf @ Lake of the Woods Golf Course (Old Forest Hill Country Club) 6700 E Saint Charles  Rd,
     Columbia MO 65202 (573-474-7011) $30.00? per person - For guys & gals - couples welcome!

     Parade downtown Columbia at 2:00 PM ? (There will be a float, wanna ride? We need to know)

     Hickman Kewpie Homecoming Football Game @ 7:30 PM - (Cost - FREE to Seniors "Over 50")

 After game
     Hospitality Room, Ramada Inn, 1100 Vandiver Dr, Columbia MO 65202 (Horsd'Oeuvres) and coffee or
     ice tea - $5.00 per person - Bar & Restaurant @ Inn

Saturday, October 11, 2003
  9:00 AM
     Tour Hickman High School & Columbia School Bus Tour $5.00per person
  12:00 Noon (Eat @ 12:30 PM)
     Picnic @ Kemper Arena, 1270 E Boone Industrial Dr, Columbia MO  65202 (Catered lunch including drinks)
     $15.00 per person - Parents welcome @ same price

  6:30 – until 1:00 AM  (Class Picture Main Lobby @ Ramada……) $7.00 (5x7)  $10.00 (8x10)
     Dinner, Music & Dancing…(please email your music requests).. Pavilion Banquet Room,
     Ramada Inn, 1100  Vandiver Dr, Columbia MO  65202 $28.00 per person (buffet with choice of two
     entrees, tossed salad, pasta salad, three bean salad, marinated vegetable salad, two vegetables,
     potato or rice, rolls & butter, beverage & dessert)
  1:00 AM - until
     Hospitality Room, Ramada Inn, 1100 Vandiver Dr, Columbia MO 65202 (No food served)

Sunday, October 12, 2003
  11:00 AM
  Missouri Methodist Church, 9th & Locust St (Jim Bryan, Pastor)
  12:30 PM
     Brunch @ Boone Tavern, (location of the old Western Auto Store - 811 E Walnut St) Banquet room
     downstairs…. $18.00 per person

Price for the whole event which includes Horsd'Oeuvres Friday night, School & Bus Tour Saturday morning, picnic Saturday noon, dinner & dance Saturday night and brunch on Sunday morning, is $60.00 per person and it would be appreciated if everyone attending would send the $60.00 as soon as possible.  (If you can afford to and care to make a larger donation, that would be great!  Do not miss this reunion because of the cost, please contact me and we will make arrangements.  I hope this will be the largest attendance we have ever had and I sincerely hope you will make every effort to join us for this REUNION!)

If you prefer to attend only part of the reunion, you must be specific as to which parts you plan to attend and pay
for each event accordingly.

Friday night Horsd'Oeuvres @ Ramada..................$5.00 per person
Saturday School & Bus Tour @ HHS........................$5.00 per person
Saturday Picnic @ Kemper Arena..........................$15.00 per person
Saturday Night @ Ramada......................................$28.00 per person
Sunday Brunch @ Boone Tavern...........................$18.00 per person

LODGING:  @ Ramada Inn
I must take care of lodging arrangements right away because our reunion is the same weekend as the MU-NEBRASKA home football game.  I can get a block of rooms but I need an exact amount of rooms needed, because once I commit, I will be stuck with the bill to pay for the rooms.  The room rate on football weekends is $119.00 per night and our rate will be $79.00 per night or less (with a minimum of 2 nights).  I am working on a little better rate, but it will be easier to negotiate once I have a count.  You must not call the Ramada direct as the reservations department won’t know about this package.  All you need to do is contact me for now and I will be responsible for the rooms until later next year when you can use a credit card to confirm your reservation.  I will be glad to take care of arrangements but you must let me know immediately if you will want a room at the Ramada Inn for the REUNION.

    If you prefer to choose another hotel, there are some options @ otherkewps.htm
 or go to: http://www.columbiamo.net/info/businessdir/hotelmotel.htm.  If you don’t have a computer and need my help getting a room, give me a call anytime.

"CLASS OF 1963"
and mail to:
COLUMBIA MO  65201-3564


Please send your Biography and a recent picture of yourself.  (you can mail the biography and picture with your check or email it to me @ 63classpic@kewpie.net)
Your Biography and picture is needed even if you can't attend as the Class webpage 1963.html is the "New Electronic '63 Class Directory" and can be available on CD with lots of 60's music and address and phone information (by request).  No phone or address information will be used on the webpage and your email will be withheld if you desire, but your name and yearbook picture are already there.  There are lots of other goodies there too, if you haven't noticed......

I am so thankful to be here and to be able to do what I do for the "Class of 1963" and "Hickman High School."  Humor me and come give me a hug and spend the weekend with me in the fall of 2003 as we close in on our 6th decade together.  I have been to more Hickman Reunions than any other Kewpie in the history of Hickman High School and I echo the comment I have heard at many of them, "I will never miss another reunion as long as I live."  Since our last reunion in 1998, there have been over 60 deaths directly related to our class, either classmates or family members of our classmates.

For those loved ones,

Those we love truly never die
Though year by year the sad memorial wreath--
A ring and flowers, types of life and death--
Are laid upon their graves.
Well blessed is she who has a dear one dead
A friend she has whose face will never change,
A dear communion that will not grow strange.
The anchor of a life is death.
There is no death, nor change, nor any ending.
Only a journey, and so many go
That we who stay at length discern the blending
Of the two roads, two breaths, two lives, and so
Come to the high and quiet knowledge that the dead
Are but ourselves, made beautiful instead.

 From, "Readings on the Philosophy of Death"
Author Unknown, from "Poetry For Verse Speaking Choir"
Arranged by, Helen D. Williams

Please come join the "Class of 1963"
in October of next year
in celebration of the 40th year of our class
and the celebration of our lives.

Pictures from the reunion meeting held on November 2, 2002
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