3rd Reunion Letter-(Thursday July 24, 2003)
Today the THIRD and FINAL Reunion Letter was mailed to the 73 of CLASSMATES who do not have email.  The 1st letter was mailed on November 15, 2002  and the 2nd letter on February 24, 2003.  Of the 96 without email only 21 have replied to date.  Of the 252 of you who have email there are still 63 who have not replied. There are 130 of you who have said you plan to attend, however only 73 of you have sent a check.  136 of our CLASSMATES have not responded!
(Where is the Class of 1963)
Click here to see the letter that was mailed out today
Click here to print the registration letter
Let me know NOW if you plan to attend!
I need your registration & check NOW.
The DEADLINE Has Been Extended to SEPTEMBER 8, 2003
If you missed this deadline, please call (573-442-1873)
for the Class Directory,
which will only be available
to those who send their BIO & Pictures
Email: charley@kewpie.net
Snailmail:  CLASS OF 1963, 2312 DEER CREEK CT, COLUMBIA, MO  65201-3564
There has been some tweaking of times and details, so the itenerary below has been updated accordingly.
(changes in green)
See Itinerary

Updated Calendar of Events for 40th Reunion (Oct 9-12, 2003)
Thursday, October 9, 2003 afternoon/evening
   5:00 PM
     Hospitality Room, Ramada Inn, 1100 Vandiver Dr, Columbia MO 65202 (No food served?)
     (From the Ramada we will go to Griggs Flooring @ 801 Bus Lp 70 E to decorate the float for the PARADE)
Friday, October 10, 2003
   9:00 AM
     GOLF - You are on your own for this event (Please call me if you need me to arrange a tee time)
   2:30 PM
     Parade downtown Columbia at meet at @ Stephens Playhouse on Dorsey Street
   5:45 PM
     Hickman Kewpie Homecoming Football Game-we will meet @ Griggs Flooring America (801 Bus Lp 70 E
     (We will leave Griggs @ 6:00 PM and walk to football game together)
     KICKOFF @ 7:00 PM   (Cost - FREE to Seniors "Over 50")
   9:45 PM? (After Football Game)
     Hospitality Room, Ramada Inn, 1100 Vandiver Dr, Columbia MO 65202 (Horsd'Oeuvres) and coffee or
     ice tea - $5.00 per person - Bar & Restaurant @ Inn
Saturday, October 11, 2003
  9:00 AM
     Tour Hickman High School & Tour Columbia by School Bus  $5.00 per person (we will meet at the West Entrance)
  12:30 PM
     Picnic @ Kemper Arena, 1270 E Boone Industrial Dr, Columbia MO  65202 (Catered lunch including
    drinks by Jack's) $15.00 per person - (Parents and children are welcome @ same price to ONLY this event)
  6:30 – until 1:00 AM  (Class Picture Main Lobby @ Ramada……) $7.00 (5x7)  $10.00 (8x10)
     Dinner, Music & Dancing…(email requests to charley@kewpie.net or mail)  Pavilion Banquet Room,
     Ramada Inn, 1100  Vandiver Dr, Columbia MO  65202 $28.00 per person (buffet with choice of two
     entrees, tossed salad, pasta salad, three bean salad, marinated vegetable salad, two vegetables,
     potato or rice, rolls & butter, beverage & dessert)
  1:00 AM - until
     Hospitality Room, Ramada Inn, 1100 Vandiver Dr, Columbia MO 65202 (No food served)
Sunday, October 12, 2003
   11:00 AM (We will meet in front of church @ 10:30 to 10:45 AM)
      Missouri Methodist Church, 9th & Locust St (Jim Bryan, Pastor)
(To attend service for a denomination other than @ the Methodist church, please contact me for locations......)
   12:15 PM
      Brunch @ Boone Tavern, (location of the old Western Auto Store - 811 E Walnut St) Banquet room
      downstairs…. $18.00 per person

LODGING:  @ Ramada Inn (Have finalized arrangements - if you need a room, Call Me!)

    If you prefer to choose another hotel, there are some options @
otherkewps.htm or go to:
If you don’t have a computer and need my help getting a room, give me a call anytime.

Charley Blackmore
2312 Deer Creek Ct
Columbia MO  65201-3564
Email:  charley@kewpie.net

Click Here for Registration Form
(to be returned with Remittance)

I hope this will be the largest attendance we have ever had and I sincerely hope you will make every effort to join us for this REUNION!  (Do not miss this reunion because of the cost, please contact me to make arrangements, if you need help.)

These prices are per person and you must be specific as to which events and how many will be attending.

Friday night Horsd'Oeuvres @ Ramada.................$5.00 per person
Saturday School & Bus Tour @ HHS.......................$5.00 per person
Saturday Picnic @ Kemper Arena........................$15.00 per person
Saturday Night @ Ramada...................................$28.00 per person
Sunday Brunch @ Boone Tavern..........................$18.00 per person

Don't forget to include your Biography & Current Picture
for the Directory with your Registration, unless you are emailing it.
Even if you can't attend the Reunion, I still need your BIO & PICTURE!


MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO:  "CLASS OF 1963" and mail to:
COLUMBIA MO  65201-3564
Phone:  573-442-1873  Email: charley@kewpie.net

If you plan to attend and haven't send your CHECK & REGISTRATION,
you are the reason we CAN'T finalize the reunion plans.
Please HELP US OUT and give us your answer as soon as possible.
Thanks!  Charley

Click here to print letter,
Calendar of Events & Reigstration Form

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Click here to Download it now if you don't have it.

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Get the Kewpie Spirit as you make
your REUNION plans!!!!!