Joann Asel - 1963
BIO & Picture


Joann Asel Rea - 2003-09-24

John Rea and Joann Asel Rea have now been married for 36 years and have lived in the Maryland suburbs around Washington DC since l987.  We can't say we have  "three children" anymore as they have all finally become adults.  Jennifer is 32, soon to be 33 and got married last October to Joost Verheggen who is from the Netherlands.  They live in Utrecht, the Netherlands.  Anne, our middle adult, is 29, lives in LA with her husband, Mike Reynaert, and they are expecting our first grandchild this October.  David is 24 and lives in San Diego and is very happy there.  So John and I are situated geographically in the middle of this group.
John is the economist for the mutual fund trade association and I have been trying to sell my original oil paintings now for about 23 years.  I had hoped to have my up-and-coming website with my paintings available by now but it doesn't seem to be happening quickly.

I hope you have a wonderful reunion and I wish I could have made it.  Hope to be there in ten years.

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