Jim Bryan & Caryl Wood Bryan - 1963
BIO & Picture


So Charley wants a bio.  Jim and I have decided to do ours together but what do we say?

OK, here goes.

Got married - got some degrees - had some kids - had several different jobs - lived in several different places - got some grandchildren! - did a lot of singing and a little theater - traveled to some places - had some good times and some not so good times - and here we are right back where we started in Columbia!  But all that stuff isn't too important.  What's important is what we have learned along the way:  that who you are and what you did in high school doesn't always have much effect on what kind of success you have as an adult; that sustaining a healthy marriage takes lots of hard work and commitment (but it's worth it);  that Parenting 101 should be a requirement for high school graduation;  that your children are the greatest blessing and the greatest burden that God can give; that you don't appreciate the sacrifices that your parents  made for you until you have kids of your own; that parents grow old, slow down and sometimes need our help;  that good teachers really do make a difference;  that it is a joy to have a job that brings challenge and fulfillment into your life;  that sharing times with good friends is enriching;  that being a grandparent is undoubtedly the most fun a person can have.  There's more, but you get the idea.  Maybe you will share some of what you have learned with Jim and me at the big 40th reunion of the great HHS class  of 1963!  and the 50th and the 60th and - - - - -

See you there!  Jim Bryan and Caryl (Wood) Bryan.

Jim Bryan, Class of 1963 is "Kewpie of the Month, August 2001"
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