David Sapp - 1963
BIO & Picture


November 23, 2003
Since our mostly blissful years at Hickman, my lifeline has included a degree in Chemical Engineering from MU in 1967, marriage to non-Kewpie Jo Barnhill in 1968, four years of work at the research laboratories of Sinclair Oil Company near Chicago, a return to Columbia as an engineer with 3M Company, the birth of my two best legacies, Lesley and Michael, and various engineering and management positions at 3M culminating in the assignment of a lifetime, building and managing 3M's first southeast Asian electronics manufacturing facility in Seremban, Malaysia.

Upon returning to Columbia from Malaysia, I opted for early retirement and proved that you can find meaning outside the office.  My years since have been fulfilling and busy with community and home activities.  I've discovered anew my love of history and have researched and written about the history of Boone county while contributing many wonderful hours to the Boone County Historical Society, currently serving as president of the board of directors.  I have similarly worked with the Genealogical Society of Central Missouri in many capacities, the Missouri State Genealogical Society organizing statewide conferences, and the Columbia Kiwanis Club.  My wonderful wife prods me and keeps me active in supporting our local Democrat candidates, doing what I can to save us from Dubya.

Through all these years I've had the great pleasure of a continuing association with the "Parkade gang" that graduated in 1963 — John Cunningham, Bill Taft, and Bill Trumbower and John Douglas on occasion.  Everyone should have the good fortune to be able to play a little tennis or a round of par-3 golf with Kewpie friends forty years after your prime!

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