Dave Curtis - 1963
BIO & Picture

David Curtis - 2002-04-28
Have been Park & Recreation Director in Warrensburg, MO for past 25 years.  It is the field I majored in at Mizzou.  Son and I still attend all MU football and basketball games.  For more interesting reading go to wife Barbara (Duggar) class of 65.
Barbara Duggar (Class of 1965) - Barbara married David Curtis, Kewpie class of 63, in 1966.  They have 3 children and live in Warrensburg, MO.  She is now The Rev. Curtis.  She pastors two rural United Methodist Churches, Drakes Chapel and Calhoun UMC.  Barbara is a licensed sky diver, gardener, and public speaker.  In 2001 she spent several weeks in the Wilderness of Zinn, camping with Bedouins and riding her camel.  In 2000, she backpacked to the top of Camel's Hump, Vermont and spent a week hiking the Long Trail.  In 1999, Barbara put the rear wheels of her bicycle in the Chespeake Bay at Yorktown, VA and headed west.  David flew to Oregon two months later and picked her up at Florence, OR where she was putting the front wheels of her bike in the Pacific Ocean.  She rode 4318.6 miles, crossed the continental divide 9 times and camped out most of the time.  She did it alone.  In 2000, she became a grandmother for the first time as daughter, Elizabeth presented her with Taryn Grace Dwyer.  Elizabeth and James live in Eldon, MO where she teaches at a state school for the developmentaly disabled.  Elizabeth is Barbara's youngest, 28 (as of April 2001).  Son Matthew, 30, is a pharmacist at KU Med Center in Kansas City (still single).  Daughter, Melissa, 33, is Director of Human Resources for Pacific Northern Company in Dallas, TX.  She, too, is single.
Update 2003-10-02  We had two weddings in 2003.  Matt married Leslie Perry, a KU Jayhawk, more avid than he and I are Tiger fans.  They live in Shawnee, Kansas.  Both are pharmicists at KU Med Center.  My oldest, Melissa finally married at age 35 to the guy she started dating when she was a Sophomore at MU 16 years earlier.  She married Steve Jones.  He owns a chain of mental health rehab centers, mainly in Texas.  She is Director of Personnel for Pacific Northern, some Chinese Company that fled Hong Kong before it was returned to Communist China.  They live in Carrollton, Texas.  This winter Barbara leaves in January for her second coast to coast bike ride.  This time she is riding with a friend, Pam Culbertson.  They are taking per mile pledges for Habitat for Humanity.  Goal is to raise $35,000.  Route is from St. Augustine, FL to San Diego, CA.

Another Picture


I'm front right with the dorky hat.  Front left is son Matthew a few months before he met his demise (yes he married a Jayhawk).
Little Girl in the middle is Cara Henre, our God daughter,  That is her Dad Reverend Robert Henre next to her and her Mom
Reverend Abby Henre behind Rob.  Behind me is a college girl from their Church in Kelso, Washington.  Her name is Terza
(can't remember her last name).  Behind her in my wife Reverend Barbara Curtis (Kewpie class of 65).  All those ministers are
Methodist preachers.  Barb now pastors two small churches in Western Johnson County.  Wesley Chapel, Kingsville, MO. and
Woods Chapel, Odessa, MO.  All those preachers know Jim Bryan.  They are in the Union.

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