Bolivar - 1963(Biology Class)                      September 2002


Below is my biography that I sent for Charley to put in the Class Directory at the 20th reunion and I have updated it for you.

I have lived in seclusion since I began pursuing my career in music in1965.  With my voice and my looks I figured there was no way I could miss, and I was right!  I missed in 1965 as a session musician with a group called “The Detergents” and in 1968 played with “Deep Purple” and the “1910 Fruitgum Company.”  After doing a brief stint with “Led Zeppelin” and getting pretty heavily caught up in the Heavy Metal Rock Movement in 1971, I spent a year, I think, or maybe two in a rehabilitation center in, I was told Birmingham, England, close to where my good friend, Robert Plant’s family lived.  I returned to the states in early 1973 and joined a Midwestern rock band, of which I don’t recall the name.  Not until 1977 did I realize that I played my own Class Reunion in Columbia, Missouri, in July 1973.  Did any of you recognize me?  I have a chronic memory lapse of my life during the early to mid 70’s, after my affiliation with “Led.”  From 1978 to 1982 I got back into the “rock scene” and played with “Judas Priest”, “Iron Maiden” and “Ozzy Osborne” most recently, but the life on the road took its toil and once again I was back where I started, on the bottom.  My most recent failure was not realizing at the time in 1966, that the Synsonic Drums I invented back then would become a musical instrument of the 80’s, or I would have had my invention patented.  Having just had my first operation in February of 1983, I have formed my own group and we begin touring in August 1983, sorry about that, I can’t make the reunion.  It seems to be a little harder becoming a success than I had thought, but I’m happy for all of you.  I will keep in touch, through “CRAZY” CHARLEY, fur shur, and fur shur be at the next reunion, if I become successful.  Please don’t TRY to FIND me anymore, you upset my family severely!  They had forgotten about me.

New:  My band folded in 1984 and I spent from the mid 80’s into the early 90’s playing with club bands in bars throughout the Midwest.  In 1992 I went back to school and got my degree in accounting and became a CPA.   I was with Enron until September 1999 and then went to work for WorldCom and was with them until May of 2001.  Since then I have working as a salesperson on the QVC network and sell Viagra without prescription through my private website.

I have every intention of coming to the reunion in October next year, but it just depends on my work schedule, I have not been able to retire yet, like a lot of you have.  Seeing some of the old faces and I do mean Old Faces at the reunion is really going to be a Hoot!  I haven't changed hardly at all, I have only lost about 70 or 80 pounds and all of my hair has either turned gray or turned loose.  I have enclosed a recent picture so you will recognize me at the reunion.

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