Hickman Kewpie Classmates Directory
Class of 1963
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If you see the word BIO after a classmates name, click on BIO to read their biography!
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For Reunion Information Updates
Kewpies:  Past & Present
Thanks for your continued support!
Charley Blackmore, '98
The Kewpie Gathering Place, Since Oct 1998
Classmates Registered
Original "Class of 1963" website from 1995 - Seniors of 1963, That Was The Year That Was

45th Reunion was October 3 - 5, 2008
See Class Picture from 40th Reunion - Oct 11, 2003
Class of 1963 Webpage
I Need YOU to Help ME!

50th Reunion - October 7 - 13, 2013
All I ask of you is to please send a detailed story of your life and plenty of pictures.
Help make this Virtual Directory a Masterpiece! Please get your story & pictures to me soon
and then send an update around Christmas of 2012 before the reunion.

Charley Blackmore - Chairperson - BIO
Class of 1963 Webpage  Original Webpage from 1995
Carolyn Acton - 2010-11-15
Gary Acton, deceased June 3, 2006
Mary Allen - 2002-12-20
Mike Andrews, deceased January 9, 2007
Gene Angell - Email removed 2004-06-15
Janet Ausherman
Rodney Ayers - 2003-12-10
Bill Ballew - 2007-10-05
J T Barnes - 2003-12-18
Marilyn Barnett - Email removed 2005-10-11
Carolyn Barr - 2003-11-18
Jeff Beasley - BIO - 2007-05-30 - Univ of MO - BS ChE  / Tomato Processing Industry
Sandra Biesemeyer - 2003-02-12
Jerry Bishop
Dale Bittle - Kewpie of the Month, February 2001
Connie Bowser - 2008-10-23
George Bradfield - 2009-01-17
Earle Breedlove - 2006-09-24
John Brown - 2004-02-14
Jerry Brumfield - 2002-02-18
Mike Brunner - 2002-02-07
Jim Bryan & Caryl Wood - Kewpie of the Month, August 2001
Dianne Buckler - 2009-01-23
Mannon Burks
Melvin Burnett, deceased February 22, 2009
Walter Burnett - 2009-02-06
Jimmy Carpenter
Linda Cassity - 2002-02-18
Pam Chorlton - BIO - 2006-09-12
Suzanne Coday - Email removed 2007-06-11
Jenny Cox - 2008-12-24
Linda Crawford - Email removed 2006-06-16
Mary Anne Creason - Email removed 2007-06-05
Jim Crow - Email removed 2005-05-06
John Cunningham - 2006-09-24
Cheryl Curtis - Email withheld 2004-10-02
Dave Curtis - BIO - 2002-04-28
Mike Delaney  - 2007-04-11 - Central Missouri State University - BS Business/Marketing
Marinell Dorsey - 2002-06-13
John Douglas & Sally Orr - 2002-05-20
Dan Drane - 2010-05-27
Diane Dugan & Alan Fugit - BIO - 2002-03-23
David Dunn - 2007-08-22
Bill EllzeyKewpie of the Month, September 2001
Marilyn Erickson
Carol Fisher - BIO - Email removed 2011-07-21 - University of Missouri - BA Poli. Sci; sr und for Shelter Ins Co
Jim Flickinger - 2008-04-10
Rodney Fox - 2008-06-26
Lila Gafke - BIO - New 2002-10-07
Ken Geel & Martha Glascock - 2005-12-20 - Univ MO-Columbia - BSBA  Accounting
Rick Gray
Ellen Gregory - 2007-11-30 - Washington Univ(STL MO) - BS Industrial & Organizational Psychology
Bill Griffin - 2007-08-22 - Kewpie of the Month, January 2007
Dave Griggs
Glenda Hawkins - 2006-03-14
Beth Helling & Dennis Hendrickson - 2002-11-16
Kay Henricks - 2005-08-16
Mark Holsinger - 2006-12-12
Jane Howard - 2011-08-23
Bobbi Hunt - 2009-02-06
Ed Hutchison - 2007-01-14
Virginia Hyde - Email removed 2003-07-11
Spring Jenkins - BIO - 2006-03-03
George Johnson
Jim Bremer Jones - Email removed 2011-07-21
Mike Judd - Email removed 2007-06-11
Kary Kabler & Grayson Neate - 2007-03-16
Carolyn Kemper - 2007-07-08
Marla Kingsley - 2007-10-07 - Univ of Wisconsin/Univ of Houston - BS/MS ED, Medical Technologist
Mary Lynn Knight - 2011-04-22
Larry Lasley
Nancy Lee - Email removed 2010-02-11
Ron Lumb - 2009-11-13
Mary "Molly" Malone - 2007-08-03
Corky Mansfield - 2010-02-21
David Maupin - 2008-01-30 - University of Missouri - Columbia - B.S. Agriculture
Johnnie McBaine - BIO - 2002-03-08
Bill McGill - 2007-03-27
Dennis McGreer
Carolyne McIlvain
Doyne McKinney - 2006-12-21 - University of Missouri- Columbia - BA - 1967 and MLS 1987 - Librarian
Sueann McLeod
Carol McMullen - Email removed - 2007-04-17
Carl Meadows - Kewpie of the Month, April 2001
Sharon Milhollin - 2009-11-16
Lewis Miller - BIO - 2008-08-17
Bill Montgomery - 2006-07-31
Jane Murdock - 2008-09-27
Alan Murphy - 2005-07-07
Dan Neenan - 2007-05-03
Linda Niles - BIO - 2003-11-11
Chris Odor - 2003-11-22
Mark Oldham & Libby McCluskey - 2003-10-02
Sally Orr - 2005-03-12
Jean Ellen Pace
Bonnie Pahl - 2010-07-27
Bob Parker - 2008-10-29
Michael "John" Pauw
Noel Peterson - 2006-12-29 - Central Missouri State University - BSE--Executive Director of the Asthma &
                                                                                Allergy Foundation of America, Greater Kansas City Chapter
Roger Plowman - 2003-09-30
George Poehlman - 2003-09-07 Kewpie of the Month, August 2003
Sherry Quisenberry - BIO - 2009-08-12
Harriet Ratliff
Danny Rector - 2002-02-26
Jerry Reynolds
Judy Reynolds - 2004-09-25
Judy Roberts - 2009-09-02
Susan Rodgers - 2009-05-23
Alice Rouse - 2008-03-10
Jane Russey - 2002-06-09
Barbara Ruth - Email removed 2005-04-12
Beverly Schilb - 2005-06-27 - Christian College & Un of MO - BS in Education
Carl Scott - 2009-08-23
Bill Sheets - 2006-02-17
Deanie Shock - 2005-12-13
Martha Shrout - 2011-01-14
Bill Smillie - 2007-12-01
Bill Smith - 2007-02-22
Peggi Smith - 2005-05-07
Ron Smith
Jay Spangler
Helen Stone - 2003-06-12 - Univ of Missouri - Elementry School Teacher, Resource Specialist
Bill Taft - 2002-06-12
Judith Thomas - Email removed 2006-07-31
Thelma Tremaine - 2006-11-08
Susan Troelstrup - 2012-04-25
Sherry Trower - BIO - 2006-03-13
Bill Trumbower - Kewpie of the Month, May 2002
Joe Wade - BIO - 2003-05-20 - BS in Business - Asst  Mgr Learning and Development, State Farm Ins Co
Alan Watson - 2012-01-19

Donna Williams - 2008-07-03
Zay Winscott - 2004-11-28
Jim Wiswall - 2009-04-13 - MU-Columbia BA in Modern Language (Spanish)1967
                                                   & St. Louis University MA in Urban Education 1975
Jack Wonneman - 2011-10-19

Charley Blackmore
2312 Deer Creek Ct
Columbia MO  65201-3564