Hickman Kewpie Classmates Directory
Class of 2004

Click Classmates Name (if underlined) to Send Email
If you see the word BIO after a classmates name, click on BIO to read their biography!

For Reunion Information Updates
Kewpies:  Past & Present
Thanks for your continued support! www.kewpie.net
Charley Blackmore, '98
The Kewpie Gathering Place, Since Oct 1998
Classmates Registered
20th Reunion - June 21 & 22, 2024
**Please help and make a donation to the, kewpie.net Scholarship.**


(No Chairperson Located Please Help)
Andi Baker - Email removed 2007-06-15
Brett Bender - 2004-10-27
Whitney Boggs - Email removed 2008-03-08
Amy Bolerjack - 2004-03-03
Jodi Bolerjack - 2004-03-08
Melissa Briner - 2024-06-29 - Indian Hills Community College - Early childhood
Stephanie Burger - 2004-03-02
Liz Cairns - Email removed 2019-04-20
Alaysha Callihan - 2013-05-18
Rachel Conrad - Email removed 2007-06-15
Caroline Cristal - 2005-03-15
Christopher Emmons - 2013-05-21

Janae' Estill - 2004-03-02
Eran Feintuch - 2004-08-25
Suzanne Friedrich - Email removed  2011-01-24
Valerie Hall - 2013-07-19
Lauren Harris - No email

Susan Huang - Email removed  2009-03-01
Meghan Lambert - 2008-11-11
Kate Lanham - Email removed  2009-03-01
Kevin Long - Email removed 2007-02-23 - University of Missouri - Business
Amber Luehrs - 2005-01-22
Rachel Miedema - Email removed  2011-10-23
Mike Moesel - BIO - 2005-06-14 - Brigham Young University - Masters, Accounting
Matt Moser - 2011-04-10 - University of Missouri-Columbia - Business
Kyle Nuelle - 2011-05-13
Heather Oestreich - Email removed 2007-06-15
Dan Ogletree - Email removed 2010-07-27 - (Moved away from Columbia after 6th grade)
Samantha Oswald - 2007-09-11
Malinda Palmer - Email removed 2007-06-15
Kaela Rorvig - 2004-03-01
Rebecca Skinner - 2004-11-12
Kourtney Smith - 2005-02-24
Naomi Tesfamikael - Email removed 2007-06-15
Emily Viers - Email removed 2009-01-25 - Westminster College - Nursing major
Vandy Lou Wells - 2004-10-08
Ashlei Wilson - 2013-05-18

Mike Moesel June 15, 2005
Hey everybody!  Freshman year of college: DONE!  It's been a fun time out here in Utah, meeting new people and enjoying the mountains.  My lacrosse team was ranked #1 in the nation entering the national tournament. Trying to keep my nose in the books, too.

Upcoming plans: serve a 2-year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (January 2006-08).  I'll post my address if anybody is interesting in dropping me a letter while I'm out serving.

Hope everyone is realizing their dreams and enjoying college.  Your prez Mike Moesel
