Hickman Kewpie Classmates Directory
Class of 1984

Click Classmates Name (if underlined) to Send Email
If you see the word BIO after a classmates name, click on BIO to read their biography!

For Reunion Information Updates
Kewpies:  Past & Present
Thanks for your continued support!

Charley Blackmore, '98
The Kewpie Gathering Place, Since Oct 1998
Classmates Registered

40th Reunion Friday May 31 - Sunday June 2, 2024

30th Reunion was June 20-22, 2014 "Facebook Page"
25th Reunion was August 7 & 8, 2009

20th Reunion Was August 6 & 7, 2004

**Thanks for your donation to the, kewpie.net Scholarship.**

(No Chairperson Located Please Help)
Stephanie Agan - 2011-11-18 - University of Missouri - Business Development Specialist
Bruce Alspaugh - 2024-05-15

Mathew Apodaca - 2004-07-05 - University of Missouri-Columbia - Bachelor Fine Arts
Julie Appelbaum - BIO - Email removed 2009-02-27
Beatrice Athanassiou - BIO - 2002-11-04
Mindy Atkins - Email removed 2011-05-07 - Drury University; Columbia College - BA and MS
Shreela Banerji - Email removed 2010-07-27
Mary Barnes - BIO & Picture - Email removed 2007-01-25
Thad Bartlett - 2005-07-22
Kim Bechtold - Email removed 2005-03-15 - University of Missouri - Master's of Social Work
Lisa Beck - 2014-10-09

Ron Bennett - Email removed 2003-02-08
Steve Berry - Email removed 2008-05-08
Carolyn Betts - 2008-01-26
Sheryl Beuer
Mark Bodicky - Email removed 2019-04-21  - Missouri Western State College, Undergrad, NW Missouri State
                           Univ, Masters - BS, Education, MS, Education Administration - Family Service Counselor
Karen Boillot - Email removed 2009-02-27
Charlie Booker - 2004-08-07
Trinette Brewer - Email removed 2009-02-27
Craig Brumfield - Email removed 2009-02-26
Tammy Buck - Email removed 2004-04-20
Vicky Jo Burres - Email removed 2007-12-29
Keith Caldwell - 2004-08-06
Dawn Case - 2004-07-11
Harry Castilow - Email removed 2018-11-19
Kim Cleveland - Email removed 2011-11-06
Monica Coffman - 2004-02-11- University of Missouri-Columbia - Registered Nurse
Greg Cook - Email removed 2009-02-27
Lori Cooper - BIO - Email removed 2009-06-23 - Southwestern Illinois College - Associates of Science (nursing)
Mark Cooper - 2006-03-09
Norman Cox - BIO - 2013-06-11 - Columbia College - Shelter Insurance, IT Department
Tamara Crockett - Email removed 2009-02-27
Deanne Cross - 2004-06-01
Mary Crownover - Email removed 2009-06-11
Kimberly Crowson - 2014-03-26
Tracy Dexter, deceased (December 4, 2011)

Rich Diehl - 2005-05-17
Kelly Dunkerley - Email removed 2003-12-04 - University of Missouri - State Farm Insurance
Darla Fick - 2004-09-15
Jeffrey Fisher - Email removed 2011-09-18
Alice Flagler - Email removed 2005-01-11 - Smith College - Education, B.A. and Ed.M.
Janet Forlow - Email removed 2014-09-24 - Univ of MO-Columbia - Research Analyst / GIS Technician
Martha Foreman - BIO - Email removed 2005-08-02
Doug Froehlke - Email removed 2009-02-26
Matt Garrett - BIO - Email removed 2006-09-06 - Southwest Missouri State Univiversity -
                                                       Communications Director of Programing & Promotion KOMU-TV
Ron Gibbs - BIO - Email removed 2009-04-16 - Un MO-Columbia - Economics & Political Science - bond trader/Edward Jones
Tim Goodman - 2009-07-18
Matthew Gowan - 2008-07-12
Kaye Gray
William Gulstad - 2002-03-07
Karen Hanson - 2004-05-15
Shelly Harder - 2003-11-12
Gena Hayes - Email removed 2011-11-06 - Central Missouri State University - BS Criminal Justice Administration occupation:
                                                                                              Marketing Consultant for Premier Marketing Group
Vicki Hayworth - 2012-07-09 - Columbia College - Psychology
Tracy Henderson - 2004-06-01
Amy Hessler - Email removed 2003-12-30
Paula Heyer - Email removed 2013-01-01
Eric Hjelmfelt - 2003-10-24 - University of Chicago - Software Developer
Janet Huggler - BIO - 2003-07-09
Anne-Lise Hultsch - 2004-06-03
Darin Hussey - Email removed - 2018-11-19
Clyde Johnson - 2009-02-28
Claudia Jones - Email removed 2010-04-12
Donna Kashani - Email removed 2014-02-11
Dennis Keesling - 2004-05-02
Sarah Kennedy - BIO - 2003-05-16 - University of Missouri - M.A., journalism
Allison Kinden - 2004-05-03 - Gustavus Adolphus College - Business Administration
Marchea Klang - 2009-07-21
Ronald Knowles - 2007-10-21
Michelle Lane - Email removed 2002-06-02
Robert Lee - 2003-05-08 - Computer analyst
Kristin Lensmeyer - Email removed 2009-02-27
Connie Luecke
Jim Lundquist - 2009-02-09
Brian Marcks - 2004-08-17
Cindy Martin - Email removed 2009-02-28
Barbara Martin - 2004-01-09 - UN of MO-Columbia - BSEd '88 MEd '97 EDS '01---Elementary School Principal
Tita Martinez - Email removed 2013-01-01
Mitchell McKee - 2004-04-08
Jennifer Mohrbacher - 2008-08-18
Glenn Morehouse - 2004-04-10
Tim Morris - 2006-07-09 - Columbia College - Criminal Justice
Penny Murray - 2003-08-20
Amy Muskopf - Email removed 2010-04-10
Christy Neal - 2004-04-19
Ray Odor - BIO/Pic - 2003-06-19 - Westminster 88, Mizzou 98 - BA Accounting, M.ED. Bus Ed-Computer Teacher
Tammy Palmer - 2008-09-30
Joe Pangborn - 2004-08-05
Jim Patchett - Email removed 2010-07-27 - University of Missouri - Land Surveyor
Laura Paulus - 2009-03-06
Kelly Pearcy - Email removed 2008-03-20
Kelly Pepper - BIO
Carla Perkins - 2008-07-29
Julia Ann Phelan - Email removed 2009-02-27
Kim Pierce - 2004-11-27
Wayne Pierceall - Email removed 2007-07-13
Kathryn Pinkerton - 2004-05-30
Mike Pipes - 2006-08-29
Craig Prentiss - BIO - 2002-03-09
Shari Puttler - 2006-10-08
Becky Rasnick - 2009-04-12 - Columbia College, Columbia, SC - Master of Education, Divergent Learning
Lorinda Richardson - 2009-06-17
Jimmie Riggins - BIO - Email removed 2011-12-25 - Univ of MO-Columbia - Health Science - Respiratory Care
Michelle "Shelly" Roberts - 2004-03-10
Anne Ross - 2002-10-14 - University of Iowa, BA Theatre Arts, University of Chicago MA Humanities - Writer
Dan Ross - BIO - Email removed 2005-05-20
Julia Rowoth - 2004-07-08 - Ozark Christian College - Homemaker
Jeff Royer - Email removed 2009-02-27
Andrew Ruffolo - Picture - deceased (Feb 1, 2024) University of Missouri-Columbia - Business
Shane Salmon & Jill Winner - Picture - 2009-06-18 - Truman State University, Kirksville, MO -
                                                   BSE; PE Teacher, Technology Coordinator, Basketball/Softball/Golf Coach
                                                   Jill-Truman State University, Kirksville, MO;
                                                   Southwest Baptist University, Bolivar, MO -

                                                   BSE; MA; HS Business Teacher and FBLA Adviser
Kevin Scott - Email removed 2005-04-19
Renee Sentilles - BIO - 2004-08-03
Ron Sheets - BIO - Email removed 2013-01-01
Sonia Simmons - Email removed 2011-11-07
Stephanie Singleton - Email removed 2010-07-27
Chris Slusher - 2009-04-07 - Indiana University/ University of Missouri - Attorney
Sheila Stalling - BIO - 2002-08-19
Lea Ann Steinhoff - Email removed 2007-09-13
Sheila Stalling - Email removed 2015-08-11
David Straub - BIO - Email removed 2009-02-28
Kevin Strong - Email removed 2009-02-28
Duane Tharp - 2004-08-02
Kelly Veach
Jacque Walker - 2003-01-02
Jonas Warren - Email removed 2009-02-27 - Howard University - Chemistry
Scott Williams - Email removed 2004-02-07
Tammy Williams - 2004-07-15
Katie Wimmer - 2003-08-26 - Jerry's School of Hairstyling/Strawn Health Occupations - cosmetologist/LPN
Leland Williams - BIO - Email removed 2011-11-07
Eric Zinn - Email removed 2005-11-02

Julie Appelbaum March 4, 2002
Hi everyone!!  I lived in Columbia until I was 20 and then moved to St. Louis where I have been until now. I was married at 23 (my stepdaughter from that marriage was Nikki - she is now 18).  I had a beautiful baby girl in 1993 - her name is Alexandra, she is almost 9.  I got divorced in 1995 and loved being a single mom until I met and married Vance Lanig in June of 1998.  He had two kids from his first marriage (Lorri is 8 and Spencer is 6).  We were surprised when I got pregnant within the first month of marriage!  Drew was born in March of 1999 - he will be 3 in a few weeks.  So we now have a His, Hers, and Ours family!!  The kids all get along great and we have a lot of fun with them.  We are always on the go with Girl Scouts, gymnastics, T-ball, soccer, etc...  I have been working at Maritz Travel Company for fifteen years as a Travel Accountant.  I get to travel and audit incentive trips for companies throughout the country.  I've been sent to Puerto Rico, New York, San Diego, New Orleans, Salt Lake City, etc... - I love the adventure, but have slowed down now that we have such a big famly!!  Just this past year we discovered that I have a fellow 84' graduate that lives just down the street - Rob Allsman, his wife, and two children.  But other than that, I have not run into any other classmates in all this time - so I really look forward to seeing everyone at our twenty year reunion!!
Beatrice Athanassiou November 4, 2002

Almost 20 years later, I look back and wonder at the strange path my life has taken--it's been a journey of romance for me rather than one of ambition.

In 1984 I started out an EE major at UMC in Air Force ROTC.  After engineering and I decided we were a poor match, I married a McD's fry guy when I was 19 and left the academic world and Columbia for St. Louis, using my computer skills to get by.  While working as an A/S 400 Systems Administrator, I graduated from SLMCC with an Associates in Communications/Literature and helped put my ex through Nursing school.  After almost ten years being married, my ex was about to graduate.  We suddenly parted ways as my ex believed "romantic love is only in the movies" and friendship alone wasn't enough to sustain a marriage.

At that time I discovered the fascinating world of the Internet.  My current husband and I met on the Internet in a chat room called "Resort" as PaganWolf and SchminkPi, respectively.  After being die-hard penpals and sharing all the frustration and grief about our divorces, and all our hopes for the future, Andy (who lived in Colorado) drove across the country to "meet me in St. Louis" in a snowstorm for the first time around Christmas '95 (Our song is "Let it Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!").

We were married in July '96 and moved to Colorado to be closer to his kids.  We have taken a lot of kidding about our names!  Today, I have four children... Alex (5) Andre (3) and my stepkids Aly (11) and Bruce (8).  I telecommute as a Sr. Service Desk Specialist for Corporate Express (the world's largest supplier of Office Products).  In my spare time I am a serious photographer and do volunteer writing for the "Coffee Cup Companion" (a metaphysical newspaper) and volunteer for W.O.L.F. (Wolves Offered Life and Friendship), a rescue for wolf/dog hybrids. Andy (a former semi-pro lineman & MVP) is a Deputy District Attorney in Colorado.  In his spare time he collects dragons, reads & writes fantasy-adventure fiction, and is a dungeon-master extraordinaire.  Our favorite family event is to dress in costume for our local Renaissance Festival.

I would love to hear from all of you.  Please drop me an email.

Mary Barnes November 2, 2002
Greetings, Fellow Kewpies!

Many of you might have thought I'd be in law or politics by now...however, after 7 years of working as a legal assistant in Washington, DC, I had a huge shift toward the healing arts.  I'm now a "freelance ambassador" for Spas & Ayurveda (India's system of herbal medicine).  Instead of heading to law school after graduating from Georgetown University, I did consulting to the Center for Mind-Body Medicine, and ran an alternative health quarterly in Washington, DC. Then I started my master's in Vedic Studies (studying the Vedas, the ancient texts from India, from where Ayurveda is recorded) and have since studied many forms of healing around the world.  I've been overseas in Asia and India half-time since 1996, and keep a penthouse studio in Bangalore, India.  When in the US, I've based between San Francisco and Hawaii, and travel to conferences across the country.

I have attended I/SPA  (International Spa Association) conferences since 1992 and conduct spa trainings around the world. My company, Healing Choices Spa Consultants, specializes in on-site trainings in unique Asian and Western styles including Thai Massage, Ayurvedic Treatments, Indian Head Massage, Watsu-style watertherapies, and classical European Hydrotherapy, Thalassotherapy, and Aroma/Reflex Therapies.  I've trained the staff of some of the world's best spas including the Four Seasons-Jimbaran and other spas
in Bali, Singapore, India, Japan and the Philippines (which is a far more colorful gig than sitting at a desk in a law firm)!

I now have a string of letters I could print after my name, (which I rarely do): Bachelor's of Science in Foreign Service (B.S.F.S.) in International Economics from Georgetown University in Washington, DC; C.M.T. (Certified
Massage Therapist) and L.M.T., (Licensed Massage Therapist); and I completed the A.S.T.E.C.C. Spa Therapies training (American Spa Therapy Education and Certification Council).   So I could print my name with BSFS, CMT, LMT, ASTECC....an alphabet soup I'd rather not see cluttering up my cards!

I've spent several years around the world studying indigenous therapies like Ayurveda.  I studied Ayurveda at Maharishi International University, at the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and in India at the Ayurveda College in Coimbatore. I'm actively involved in promoting Ayurveda in the USA with N.A.M.A., the National Ayurvedic Medical Association.

I write for spa industry trade magazines and am the Indian Editor for a new magazine called Spa Odyssey, published in Bangkok. I'm organizing tours to India for people who want to learn more about Ayurveda and Jyotish.  So, basically, I read, write, study, teach, travel and network wherever I am on the planet!

I'm always available by email, no matter where in the world I am, so please write about what's going on in your life!

Lori Cooper July 18, 2003
Hello Kewpies.  I look at other BIO's and I wonder "what have I done for the past 20 years".  Well, I worked different jobs after high school in denial of following my mother's foot steps of being a nurse.  Then one day I woke up and realized I can't imagine doing anything else. That was 9 years ago. I worked at University Hospital for awhile then a patient of mine decided we should spend time together.  That was 7 years ago.  We are now separated but we have 2 beautiful, very active little boys, to show for all the efforts; Christian is 4 and Shelby Matthew is 2. I have been living in Belleville, Illinois (20 minutes from St. Louis) for 7 years and go "back home" frequently to visit my family in Columbia. I currently go to college here in town for my RN, I am a Mary Kay Consultant, work full time nights, lead a good Christian life, and raise 2 boys. I stay a little busy to say the least. I would like to hear from any of my classmates. God Bless you all.

Norman Cox June 11, 2013

It appears that our 30 year reunion is just around the corner, so I figure I should update this.

I have three kids. Andrew is Hickman 2012 and survived his first year at Mizzou. Currently, he is at Ft Benning going through Basic. Laura Beth will be Hickman 2017 and is in the first Freshman class Hickman has had in quite sometime. Our wild card is Christina. She will be class of 2024 at either Battle or Hickman.

My wife has been a teacher in Columbia Public Schools for sometime. She has taught at Shephard, Field, Smithton and currently at Ridgeway Elementary.

I have retired from the Army. Half was active and half was with the National Guard. I have been at Shelter Insurance for 15 years, in their IT department, and support their email system.

Martha Foreman November 3, 2004
Hi fellow Kewpies !!  It's been a really long time...I was really disappointed that I didn't get to attend the 20 year reunion.  I hope those of you who did had a really great time and got to do some catching up.  I attended and graduated from Cosmetology school directly after Highschool.  In 1986 I moved with my parents to Madisonville, Ky.  For those of you who remember him, I married Randy Helwig in 1988, we divorced in 1993...but not before we had a beautiful daughter.  Katie is 15 now, I've re-married to a wonderful man named Lee and we have a Son named Jesse who will be six tomorrow.  I have a Karaoke show that I own with a dear friend, called 2 Red Heads Karaoke and I also own a gift shop with another dear friend called Serendipity.  I'd love to hear from everyone, drop me a line !!  :)
Matt Garrett July 17, 2003

After graduation I attended The University of Missouri planning to major in business.  I decided if I was going to work for the next 45 years it better be in a field I enjoyed.  Bye Bye Business School, hello Communications Department and a new University too.  I graduated in 1989 from Southwest Missouri State University and set out for a career in television.  I did not stray too far and found employment with KOMU-TV in Columbia.  I started on the ground floor working on the production staff.  While working for KOMU, I also freelanced as a photographer for ABC Sports, ESPN, FOX Sports and the Mizzou Sports Network.  In 1992 I joined the Education Satellite Network, a division of the Missouri School Boards Association as a video producer.  ESN produced educational video, industrial video and satellite teleconferences.  In 1995 I returned to KOMU-TV as Director of Programming.  In subsequent years I worked in advertising sales and currently have the title of Direct! or of Programming and Promotion.

I married a terrific woman from the Lawrence, KS area.  Yes she grew up a Jayhawk fan, but she has been rescued from the “dark side” and now is a tried & true Tiger Fan.  We have two sons, Cameron age 10 and Drew age 3.  Cameron definitely took after his mother and is quite the athlete.  I spend a great deal of time hauling him to baseball, soccer and basketball practices.  Drew should be a true sportsman as one of his first words was “ballgame”.

I see many classmates around town and those of you of town, shoot me an email to catch up.

Ron Gibbs April 14, 2003
I met my wife, the former Julie Sparks, my senior year at Mizzou and we have now been married 13 years.  We have two children, Matthew who is 6 and Natalie who is 5.  We live in Chesterfield, MO.

Julie worked at the Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra for 10 years before "retiring" to stay home with the children.  I have worked at Edward Jones for almost 14 years, all but one of these years have been as a bond trader.  Coach Travis trained me well for this kind of job!

I am currently Treasurer of the Mizzou Tiger Club and remain a very active alum here in St. Louis.  Go Mizzou!!

Coaching Little League baseball (and the other sports) are as rewarding as it gets.

Janet Huggler July 9, 2003
I married my high school sweet heart (Mike Trent) in 1985 (yes, we are still married after being married so young). We have two daughters; Christy is 13 (4/90), and Allison is 10 (6/93). We bought some land in Rocheport, and built a house last year. We plan on living here until we are old and grey (getting closer every day). I work at Midway Heights Elementary in the kitchen. Yes, I am a lunch lady. (the hours are great for a mom, and I get the summer off!)  Mike is self employed; he lays hard wood floors, and ceramic tile.  He still races, he has moved from his go-cart of high school to Sprint cars. I still keep in touch with my high school friends, even though they are spread out around the world. Some of my best memories are from high school. I often think how fun it could be to go back, for just a week or so, knowing what I know now of life. How different I might handle things, how much more I might study.  It could be very fun! 
Sarah Kennedy May 16, 2003

After high school graduation, I completed the six-year, three-college-campuses bachelor's degree program. I rewarded myself by moving to Spain and teaching English for a year. Then I returned to Columbia and taught part time at Hickman for a year (I got to call Mrs. Westerfield and Ms. Brown by their first names) before moving to San Diego, where I worked as a social worker and earned one-third of a master's degree in social work before I came to my senses and moved to the Seattle area. Lived there for a year, then returned to Columbia for grad school, which I actually finished. I wound up in the godawful suburbs of Chicago for a year working as the editor of three trade magazines before fleeing to the Central Gulf Coast of Florida, where I now work at a newspaper. Another move is imminent, but my e-mail won't change.

My future plans are to maybe join the Peace Corps or Cirque du Soleil.

Ray Odor June 19, 2003
After good old HHS, I got an accounting degree from Westminster and proceeded back to Columbia to find a job.  I worked at the Tribune for 3 years while getting my Masters at Mizzou in Business Education.  My first teaching job was in Sedalia and I lasted 3 years there before meeting my now ex-wife on one of my many hour long drives from Sedalia to Happy Hour in Columbia.  I moved back to Columbia and taught at Oakland, and then HICKMAN for one year as well as coach the boys' and girls' tennis teams (I know, following in the footsteps of Ray, SR.).  We were very successful and teaching at HHS was a blast!!!  My ex moved us to Oregon with her job.  Oh, while in Columbia my son Grant (now 6) was born at Boone County Hospital (like me) and he is the best thing that has ever happened to me.  We lived in Medford, OR for 3 years--great place and then moved to Tulsa where I teach at a private school and coach three of my son's sports as well as play competitive tennis for my club. I also travel a lot, especially in the summer and love to visit old friends. I got divorced in 2001 and am very much enjoying my SINGLE DADHOOD!!!  Coach Ray SR. died in 2001 and I know many of you enjoyed his unique personality.  I keep in touch with all my HHS friends and am looking forward to REUNION 2004!!

Kelly Pepper July 30, 2003
Who would have thought that I would have to update this BIO?  Time passes way too quickly!  As I write this, we are packing our now 18-year old daughter, Kimberlee to come back to old Mizzou.  She will be majoring in Microbiology.  I imagine that we will be finding more reasons to come back to Columbia now.  Eric Zabilka and I are still married-going on 19 years now.  We are still living in tiny Wilmore, Kentucky just outside Lexington.  We've been here almost 9 years.  Eric is a partner in a Lexington architecture firm and works primarily
on commercial projects-schools, hospitals and clinics, churches and higher education.  Eric says that I have a bizarre need to go to school wherever we live, so in addition to my Bachelor's  degree in social studies education from Mizzou, I have a Master's degree in counseling psychology from Kansas.  It's a little weird to have degrees from both places!  I also earned a KY Rank I in special education from UK.  I am now a high school counselor and I am ready to start my 5th year at the same school.  Our son, Nicholas is 12 years old and starting 7th grade.  He has played almost every sport-except football and has decided that he really doesn't like any of them and would rather just run-so he has been running track and is starting cross country this fall.  I can't believe we will be having a 20-year reunion soon-we can't be that old!  I imagine Eric and I will be there for the festivities!  E-mail us and let us know what's going on with you.
Craig Prentiss March 9, 2002

Graduated in 1984. Currently a professor of Religious Studies at Rockhurst University, in KC, MO.  Wife (Shana), Son (Ben...born Feb. 1, 2000), Dog (Dunga).  Parents still live in HoHumbia, and we visit often.  Would love to hear from anyone!
Jimmie Riggins February 24, 2003

Hello fellow Kewpie's!!!  Well what can I say...  I am currently the Supervisor for the Respiratory Care department at Boone Hospital center (for those of you who remember me, it IS amazing that I save lives as a respiratory therapist, and now I am even in charge of other people!!)  I have been a respiratory therapist since 1987 with the majority of my time spent here at Boone.  I did move away from Columbia for a two year stint in Joplin MO.  I hope all my old classmates will drop me a line just to let me know what's going on. 
Dan Ross March 10, 2002

After Hickman I delayed going to college to be in a couple of punk rock bands, then finally got around to going to the Kansas City Art Institute.  Got a BFA in Photography/Video with a minor in Japanese Studies. Moved to San Francisco in '93 where I have been working in the computer animation industry ever since.
I've taught computer graphics seminars in Beijing and Shanghai China, Art Directed in the video games industry and worked at the LucasFilm special effects company Industrial Light & Magic.  Currently I'm Lead Animator at Big Ape Productions in Marin County, California.
Andrew Ruffolo November 12, 2002

Renee Sentilles Aug 3, 2004
I am a professor of history and director of American Studies at Case Western Reserve University.  I married Daniel Rosenberg in June of 2003.  He's a hydraulic engineer.  I've put out one book and am working on another.
Ron Sheets October 13, 2008

After 1984, went to Columbia College, got a BS Degree in Criminal Justice. In 1988, to pay off the loans, went into the U.S. Army and went off to Germany for 3 1/2 yrs. Saw the wonderful, sandy country of Saudi Arabia in 90/91. Got out of Regular Army in October of '91, came back to Columbia, hooked up with MBS Textbook Exchange and been there ever since.

Still single. Love the independence and not hearing the "Yes, Dear!"

I still have family here in town and am in process of taking care of them.

If you didn't go to the 20th Reunion, shame on you! Come to the 25th! It's fun and you get to see how much people change over the last 25 yrs! (Yes, I have changed...got a pot belly, lol)

Sheila Stalling August 19, 2002
After graduation I attended MU for a couple of years.  I then began working full time for Boone County Bank through 1987.  In 1986 I married my highschool  sweetheart, Michael Bishop (HHS 82).  Michael graduated from Columbia College in 1987 and accepted a job as a Police Officer with the Olathe, KS Police Dept. just south of Kansas City.  Yes, we moved to Jawhawk country!  Michael is still a Police Officer in Olathe, his 16th year...we have two children, Drew(Mar 89)& Austin (Apr 95) which keep us very busy. I worked for a local bank for the first 12 years we lived in the KC area then I accepted a position at our church, Grace United Methodist in Olathe.  I
work full time for the senior pastor and really love what I am doing.  We enjoy lots of family time including jet skiing, working in the yard and playing soft ball.  I work-out at the YMCA almost everyday.

David Straub December 15, 2002
Graduated from Mizzou with a degree in Parks, Recreation & Tourism, and worked in the juvenile justice field, then earned a second degree in Elementary Education from UMSL and work as an elementary school administrator in the Wentzville School District.  I live in Florissant, MO.

Leland Williams Aug 2, 2004
Hello class of 84! It has been a long time. Highschool was truly a magical time of my life. After graduation, a bunch of us from HHS went to school in Northern MO at Missouri Western State where I graduated with B.S. of Psychology while on a football athletic scholarship. What a trip! After graduation I tried out and made the arena league team in St. Louis but the team folded before the first season so I moved to Kansas City for few years.I played 1 year of semi-pro ball and worked as a Social Worker before moving on to Kentucky for several years where I formed a band and toured  the regional South with groups like RUN DMC, George Clinton, and Backstreet Boys. I then moved to Atlanta Georgia for a few years still working on my music while working in Social Services. I married in 1999 and moved back to the Midwest in 2000. I have a beautiful little girl who is almost 2. My family and I live in Johnson County Kansas where we love it. I've started a couple of small consulting services that are still surviving, and I am the Marketing Director for American Century Mortgage Financial Group in Lee's Summit MO. I occassionally work as a producer for local talent in the Kansas City Area such as Tech Nine, Boi Big, and mostly unknowns. I'm content and balanced and loving life! Oh yeah, people still say I look twenty-something...you gotta love that
Shane Salmon & Jill Winner June 18, 2009

The Salmon Family:  (l-r, back) Kari, Ben, Ryan, Shane '84; (front) Jeff, Jay, Jill '84 - Easter 2009