Welcome to our website!

We are a local club for mid-Missouri daylily enthusiasts and are affiliated with Region 11 (Missouri, Kansas & Oklahoma) of the American Hemerocallis Society (AHS).  Our purpose is to promote and encourage gardening with daylilies.

Our activities include meetings with local and nationally known speakers, flower show, garden tours, annual plant sale, picnic and Christmas Party. 

Please use the links below to navigate our site.

2024 Events, Officers & Info
Print - pdf
 Newsletters – (2010 - 2024)
Ameican Daylily Society - Region 11
For a digital copy of the 2024 Members Handbook in pdf, please send email to Charley

To contact Central MO Daylily Club  centralmodaylilyclub@gmail.com

Webpage, Charley Blackmore charley@kewpie.net 









August 2016 - Dalylilies at Missouri State Fair
Daylily Shows - July 9, 2016 - June 27, 2015


Joiner Daylily Gardens 50th Celebration

Photos of Past Events
History of CMHS (coming soon)
CMHS Member Hybridizers - 
Jesse Emmons
Local Links - New Daylily named; Simply Karen
Jesse Emmons registered Daylily 2014: Mo River Heritage
Pictures from Saturday July 12, 2014 - Daylily Show
Christmas Party Pictures - December 1, 2013
Library Show, June 29, 2013 - It's All Greek To Me
Library Show, June 23, 2012 - Year of the Dragon 2012
Bus Tour to Patti's - June 27, 2012

  Charley Blackmore