This explanation of the "beanie wearing, which was the initiation required for acceptance in the Kewpie Kingdom and rules for wearing the beloved BEANIE" were provided by my classmate, Kay Wade. She passed away June 15, 2006, less than three years after our 40th reunion.
I found this with the things she had saved from her days at Hickman.

This is the first of, hopefully many things, which will be added to this webpage
for your enjoyment, from the archives of those of us who attended
"David H. Hickman High School" in it's first 47 years!
Scroll down and enjoy.

That "beanie" becomimg part of our wardrobe for over a month, when I was 15 years old and a sophomore at HHS
I can now say, 48 years later, "It was an honor to have been the last Kewpie class
to participate in such a historic event that lasted seventeen years!"
The only thing about me now that's exactly as it was when I was 15,
is that I look just as stupid in a beanie now as I did then and I'd put it on for a month or two again,
just to aviod becoming a Hornet, a Pirate, a Bulldog, a Tiger, a Lion or a JAY!

I retrieved this from a mailbox on I-70 Dr NW in the mid 70s

West Boulevard Scout Troop, summer of 1958.
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